Saturday, February 16, 2013

Letter dated 5Feb2013

[Dear friends and family, here is the latest letter we received from Weston. It's fun to hear where our missionaries are going! My nephew just received his call - he'll be going to the Ohio Cleveland Mission! Daniel should be receiving his call within a couple of weeks. As always, let me know if you have a message for Weston - and I will send it to him. I will be posting the pictures that he sent on his blog -- soon! I will let you know when you can find these pictures! Take care; stay warm and safe! Weston's editor - BWS] Dear Family, What´s going on?! We had transfers this past weekend and guess what- I´ll be staying with Elder Wiggins for yet another transfer! We actually weren't very surprised because we get along so well but the weird thing was that the other four missionaries in our district are also staying the same. Elder Wiggins and I feel like he´ll leave for sure at the end of March, since that´ll be his 6 month mark in Terrassa. In other news, as you might tell from some of these sick [meaning "cool"] photos I sent, David got baptized this Saturday which was incredible. I hope all the photos send well! He´s so great and totally honest; it was kind of like I was teaching one of my friends the whole time. He´s 20 and he´s obsessed with video games (I mean, not that my friends are obsessed or anything like that!) but it´s just kind of part of his personality. You should share this with Andrew, Christopher, and Nicholas. David´s favorite video game is is Pokémon. At school, since there are a million Davids; he is nick-named ´´David el Pokémon´´! How tight is that! He has also competed at tournaments in Pokémon and he´s won money from it. I thought that was the funniest thing I've heard in a while! It was also amazing to hear that at home you had 11 investigators in class. It´s weird because this week we only had 4 people come, but it was fine. A family that we are teaching was really sick [meaning "sick"] and that´s why they said they couldn't come. On the plus side, the father has been in Madrid for a week and he went to church while he was out there! He said it was a lot different because he didn't know anyone who was there, but it was awesome to hear that he was still interested, even without us inviting him every minute! A kid that was going to be baptized but had to put it off finally got out of the hospital! He´s still getting back into life but we visited him and we´re 100% positive that he still has a testimony and that he just needs to restart reading and praying. He has depression but whenever he´s with us he is one of the best people I've ever taught. He wants to learn more and he knows that he´s felt the spirit before in his life. Also, if you know what it is, he does parkour as a hobby. I thought that was sick [I am guessing that here, the word "sick" means "cool"] when he mentioned that to us the other day ;) So here´s a funny story. We went and visited a lady in the ward, named Rosario, and he has some macaroni with meat and then a treat afterwards of strawberries and bananas with whipped cream. Normal, huh? The funny thing happened on Sunday in our Testimony Meeting when she got up and was just talking about stuff and she started testifying that the Elders (us ^_^) came over and ate a ton of strawberries and bananas with whipped cream! Everyone around us turned and kind of chuckled because it was just funny how she was telling everyone about this dumb story! Haha, I loved it! I love you all oh so very, very much! True Story! ^_^ Élder Xander Weston Schindler P.S. We have to go back, Kate...

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